
Critical Land and Land Potential

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

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Critical land is unproductive land. Although manageable, low land productivity is very critical. In fact, there can be an acceptable amount of production is much less than the cost of management. Lahanini is barren, bare, can not be used for agriculture, because of very low fertility rate. 

Factors that lead to degraded land, are as follows:
  • Drought, usually occurs in areas of rain shadow.
  • Stagnant water constantly, such as in coastal areas that are always covered with swamps.
  • Soil erosion and masswasting which usually occurs in upland areas, mountains, and sloping areas. Masswasting is the movement of soil down the slope.
  • Processing of land less attention to those aspects of environmental sustainability. Critical land may occur in the highlands, mountains, sloping areas, or even in the lowlands.
  • The inclusion of material that can last a long time kelahan agriculture (can not be broken down by bacteria) such as plastic. Plastic can withstand ± 200 years in the soil so it is very disturbing kelestaian soil fertility.
  • Freezing of water, usually the polar regions or high mountains. Pollution, contaminants such as pesticides and industrial waste that goes into good agricultural land through streams or other cause of agricultural land through streams or other cause farmland to be critical.
Some pesticides may survive several years in the soil so it is very disturbing fertility of agricultural land. If the critical land is left and no treatment improvement, then the situation will endanger human life, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, a critical area must be corrected immediately. To avoid the danger posed by the presence of critical lands, the government of Indonesia has taken a policy, namely the rehabilitation and conservation of critical land in Indonesia. Efforts penagggulangan critical land held as follows.
  1. Optimally utilized land for agriculture, plantations, farms and other businesses.
  2. Soil erosion should be prevented by making terraces on the hillsides.
  3. Extension of land greening and reforestation of forest land.
  4. It should be ex-mining land reclamation.
  5. The need for efforts toward a clean program times (Clean River).
  6. Integrated in the processing areas of the oceans and watersheds (DAS).
  7. Development of biodiversity.
  8. Necessary action for anyone who is destroying the land that leads to the occurrence of critical land.
  9. Eliminate elements that may interfere with fertility of agricultural land, such as plastic. In this regard, the recycling process is desirable.
  10. Fertilization with organic or natural fertilizers, ie manure or green manure properly and continuously.
  11. To menggemburkan paddy soil, plants need to be developed called Azola.
  12. Utilizing water hyacinth plant to reduce pollution of existing substances on agricultural land. Pat hyacinth can absorb pollutants and can be used for fish food.
However, in this case we must be careful because the water hyacinth is very easy to grow so as to interfere with agricultural land. Potential land is land that has not been used or have not been processed and when processed will have great value because mampunyai ekonimis high fertility and have a carrying capacity of human needs. Potensian land is authorized in an effort to improve the welfare of the community. To that must be handled and managed wisely. Many areas outside of Java has a very productive area of ​​potential, but have not or are not being utilized so that the area is known as the sleeping yan. With population and economic growth, increasing pressure on land. Forests outside Java pualu converted into agricultural land, the mines, and plantations. Meanwhile, the agricultural land in Java is converted into residential and industrial areas and reservoirs. Forestry, mining, and agriculture can also make the soil unproductive for further economic activity. Programs to increase food production and expansion of settlements in a massive scale has contributed to the clearing of forests and thickets. This leads to increased erosion, reduced fertility and land productivity, and loss of habitat. 

Although a number of natural swarms, both mainland maupunhutan, has been protected from human impacts through penetapannyasebagai nature reserves and national parks, sejumlahbesar land cultivated by humans is still not optimal. Land is potentially a capital base in an effort to improve the welfare of human hidp. Therefore, must be handled wisely in land use potential and not to actually damage the environment. Potensialtersebar land in three main land regions, namely in coastal areas, lowlands and highlands. Lands in coastal areas dominated by alluvial soil (soil deposition results). Tanahini was fertile because many contain minerals that are transported along the river kemidian mud deposited in the estuary of the river. Start the coastal plain to a height of 300 m above sea level is a low-lying area of ​​land. When rainfall is adequate, this is a zone of lowland tropical rain forest area is very fertile. Start a height of 500 meters above sea level is an area of ​​high ground, the condition of the land area is undulating, hilly to mountainous areas. For those areas affected by soil tnggi volcanoes, the condition of the land is dominated by fertile volcanic soils contained relatively high mineral haranya. Mountain areas have high rainfall, the soil erosion prone areas. In addition to erosion processes, in areas with high rainfall crah the terrain is usually brownish red in color (pale), because of nutrient elements and humusnya many terhanyutkan leached by water and rain. Type of soil is less fertile.

Soil samples that had a lot of them have washing latosol soil and podzolic soil and laterite soil. Measures to preserve and increase the potential benefits of land held among others the following manner.
  1. Land use plan for human use.
  2. Da creating harmony and balance function of the intensity of land use in certain areas.
  3. Planning the use of urban land in order not to cause pollution impact.
  4. Optimum use of land for kepentinganmanusia.
  5. Separate the use of land for settlements, industry, agriculture, offices, and other endeavors.
  6. Create legislation that includes pengaliahn land rights in the public interest and tax laws.
  7. Conduct an assessment of spatial policy, licensing, and taxes in connection with conversion of land use.
  8. Menggnakan tillage technology, afforestation, reforestation, and making aderah sengkedan in the mountains.
  9. Residential and business need to control shifting cultivators.
  10. Properly manage watersheds, coastal areas, and areas around the lake.
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