
Palm Oil

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

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palm oil cpo medan
Palm Oil (Elaeis) is an important industrial plants producing cooking oil, industrial oil, and fuel (biodiesel). Plantations generate huge profits, so many old plantation forest and converted into palm oil plantations. Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world. In Indonesia, the spread in the Aceh region, east coast of Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi.

Characteristics of the palm oil

Palm tree-shaped. Height can reach 24 meters. Root fibers of oil palm plantations leads to the bottom and sides. In addition, there are some roots that grow deep breath leads to the upper side for additional aeration.
Like the other palm species, compound pinnate leaves arranged. Dark green leaves and colored midrib slightly younger. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the bark of plants, only the thorns are not too hard and sharp. Former plant stem bark covered until age 12 years. After 12 years dried sheath which will be released so that the appearance is similar to coconut.

Male and female flowers are separate but on a tree (monoecious diclin) and has a maturation time is different so it is extremely rare self-pollinating. Male flowers have a long taper and shape while the female flowers appear larger and bloom. Plantations of the shell type is female sterile pisifera so very rarely produce fruit bunches and the production of improved seed is used as male elders.
Fruit plantations have varying colors from black, purple, to red depending on the seeds used. Fruit clustered in bunches that emerge from each sheath. Oil is produced by the fruit. Increased oil content according to fruit maturity. After passing through a mature phase, the content of free fatty acid (FFA, free fatty acids) will increase and the fruit will fall off by itself.
The fruit consists of three layers:

  • Eksoskarp, the reddish rind and slippery.
  • Mesoskarp, fruit fibers
  • Endoskarp, protective shell of the core

Palm kernel (kernel, which is Actually]] it is the seed) is the endosperm and embryo with a nucleus of high-quality oil content.
Oil palm breeding generative manner. Ripe palm fruits in certain circumstances the embryo will germinate producing shoots (plumula) and will root (radicle).

Source : Wikipedia

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