
Terms Of Living

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

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Natural habitat is an area of ​​scrubland. Palm can grow well in the tropics (15 ° N - 15 ° S). This plant is fully grown at an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level with a humidity of 80-90%. Palm requires a stable climate with rainfall, 2000-2500 mm a year, the areas not flooded when it rains and drought are not as dry. The annual rainfall patterns influence the behavior of flowering and fruit production of oil.

Symptoms of disease
Terms Of Living
Accumulation of leaf midrib cutting and drying

The initial symptoms of disease are difficult to identify due to the slow development of symptoms due to external and different from the internal symptoms. It is easy to identify the symptoms in mature plants or when fruiting bodies have formed a consequence, the disease became more difficult to control. The main symptoms of BSR is in poor growth, pale green leaf color and stem rot on the plant. On immature plants, the initial symptom is characterized by the lowest penguningan plants or leaves followed by necrosis that spread throughout the leaf. On mature plants, all of a pale midrib, all the leaves and dry bark, leaves open the spear (the accumulation of leaf spear) and the plant will die someday (Purba, 1993).

The collapse of oil palm plantations because of Ganoderma

Terms Of Living

Symptoms marked by death and drying of the plants may occur simultaneously with the attack of termites. Can be assumed if the symptoms on the leaves appear, then the half shaft has been destroyed by oil palm Ganoderma. On immature plants, the time symptoms appear, the plant will die after 7 to 12 months, while the mature plant will die after 2 years. When the canopy symptoms appear, usually half of the tissue within the base of the stem is dead by Ganoderma. In addition, internal symptoms are characterized by stem rot appear. In tissue decay, visible wounds of the brown area is followed by a dark area like a shadow band, which is generally called the resin reaction zone (Semangun, 1990).

In microscopic, internal symptoms of the infected root Ganoderma infected with the stem. Cortical tissue from infected roots become brown to white. At follow-up attack, cortical tissue becomes fragile and easily destroyed. Root stele tissue infected with being black in severe attacks (Rahayu, 1986). Hyphae generally located on the network of the cortex, endodermis, perisel, xylem and phloem. Klamidospora often formed to survive in extreme conditions. Another sign is the emergence of the disease or basidiokarp fruiting bodies at the base of oil palm trunk.

Ganoderma disease symptoms in peatlands have differences with the mineral soil. Ecological differences between peat soil with mineral soil, land features and characteristics determine differences in features, characteristics and mechanism of spread of Ganoderma. The high emergence of Ganoderma disease in peatlands most likely caused by basidiospora as agent spreaders, and peatlands is generally suitable for the development of Ganoderma. The pattern of appearance of symptoms in oil palm plantations on peatland is also different. Bad attack symptoms are more common on the trunk, even more than 63%. This fact is evident from the samples taken of Labuan Stone, with a ratio of BSR: USR 37%: 63% (Susanto et al., 2008). Comparison of stem rot and stem rot on highly correlated with the type of waterlogged peatlands and the presence or absence in one year. When the peat began to approach the mineral soil, rotten base of trees will increase, otherwise the stems will rot down. Ganoderma inundated land will lead to death and strengthen mechanisms for stem rot. The pattern of spread through the air basidiospora make it up as symptoms of stem rot Ganoderma disease.

Source : Klinik Sawit

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